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KLCB Photographs

Girl Scout Troop 20740
Girl Scout Troop 20740
Our kayakers starting down the South Fork River
2 volunteers starting down the South Fork River
John Davis, Lincoln County Parks & Rec Director leading our kayakers
Carolina Kayaking donated kayaks for our volunteers again this year
KLCB Board member, Kyle Land
Kayakers getting ready to start their litter cleanup
Our kayak volunteers gathering all the debris collected
Some of the items collected on the river
Volunteers collecting litter during the cleanup
Volunteers collecting litter during the cleanup
Volunteers collected a large amount of debris on the South Fork River
KLCB Board members Shelby Barkley and Kyle Land
KLCB President accepts donation check
RBB April Recipient for Gratitude Night
KLCB's AAH Regular Cleanup
2019 Earth Day
2019 Earth Day
2019 Apple Festival
KLCB Support
KLCB Adopt A Highway
Litter Prevention
Litter Prevention
Litter Pickup Volunteers
Litter Prevention
Littered PPE
Litter Prevention
Median Beautification
Litter Prevention
Litter Prevention
Litter Prevention
Beatty's Ford Park Troop 83 Cleanup
Beatty's Ford Park Troop 83 Cleanup
Troop 83 Beatty's Ford Park Cleanup
Troop 83 Beatty's Ford Park Cleanup
Median Beautification
Beautification and Safety
Median Beautification
Median Beautification
Trilogy Community Volunteer Fair
New Recycling Bins at Rescue Squad Park
2019 Denver Christmas Parade
2019 Denver Christmas Parade
KLCB Cleanup Sign

KLCB Videos

KLCB Videos

KLCB Videos

KLCB Videos
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West Lincoln Beautification Project

West Lincoln Beautification Project

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South Fork River Cleaunup 2021

South Fork River Cleaunup 2021

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2020 KLCB South Fork River Cleanup

2020 KLCB South Fork River Cleanup

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KLCB in the News


News to Come



News to come. Stay tuned!











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Organization plants trees to ‘keep Lincoln County beautiful’

October 30, 2020


Keep Lincoln County Beautiful planted 36 trees at East Lincoln Middle School and added another 10 later in October in order to combat tree loss in Lincoln County due to developments. Trees are available for sponsorship. Keep Lincoln County Beautiful has plans to continue similar projects throughout the Lincoln County community. 

Lincoln Times-News



Volunteers Plant 35 Maple Trees at Lincoln County Middle School

October 9, 2020


Keep Lincoln County Beautiful planted 36 trees at East Lincoln Middle School in order to combat tree loss in Lincoln County due to developments. Trees are available for sponsorship. Keep Lincoln County Beautiful has plans to continue similar projects throughout the Lincoln County community. 


Spectrum News-



The great Lincoln County trash pick-up – by kayak

August 14, 2020


2020 KLCB South Fork Cleanup in the South Fork River and area of Betty G. Ross Park. 22 Volunteers spent several hours cleaning up 400 pounds of litter. 

Lincoln Times-News


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Littering of PPE is not only a crime but dangerous as well

April 19, 2020


KLCB addressed the issues and dangers of Littered PPE during the Coronavirus Pandemic. 


Lincoln Times-News



Used Latex Gloves, Masks, and Wipes Adding to Litter

April 10, 2020


KLCB Discusses increasing amounts of PPE during litter pickups and the issues and dangers regarding littered PPE in the community and the environment. 

Spectrum News- 


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Soil & Water District, city and county host Earth Day event

April 15, 2019


KLCB participated in the 2019 Earth Day Event that is hosted by the City of Lincolnton and Lincoln County. KLCB was able to provide Litter Education and Beautification Crafts to attendees.



Lincoln Times-News


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Local beautification efforts recognized, public hearing date set

March 1, 2019


The official affiliate ceremony for Keep Lincoln County Beautiful (KLCB) took place during the Board of Commissioners regular meeting on Feb. 18. KLCB was welcomed into the Lincoln County Community. 


Lincoln Times-News



Sheriff's Office launches campaign to crack down on litter

December 21, 2018


KLCB worked with the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office to bring awareness and education to litter issues in the Lincoln County community. KLCB provided pamphlets and necessary educational information to provided to vehicles that were stopped along the way. 

Lincoln Times-News

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Lincoln County begins path toward Keep America Beautiful affiliation

September 20, 2018


Patty Korn. KLCB President, works hard to establish a Keep America Beautiful Affiliate here in Lincoln County, North Carolina. Patty is a driven community member determined to do good in her community.



Lincoln Times-News


Denver woman launches attack on litter

July 24, 2017


Keep Lincoln County President and Founder, Patty Korn, has litter pick up efforts highlighted by Lincoln Times-News. Patty is a litter picking champion and works diligently to ensure the beauty of her community and home. 



Lincoln Times-News

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Woman works to beautify county roads

December 22, 2014


Keep Lincoln County Beautiful President and Founder, Patty Korn, is recognized for her ongoing, long-term efforts of beautifying Lincoln County and Denver, North Carolina. Patty discusses the need for litter prevention efforts and how dangerous picking up litter can be. 

Lincoln Times-News

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